SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just in case it wasn't obvious we have had snow here in britian, doesn't very traditional anymore since for the last few years we have either had no snow :( or snow in August :S. But this year its coming to the right-ish time of year early winter. So many people have said its going to be a white christmas,but to be honest i don't think it will, i want it to but it won't it will just be that silly to us.
On a different note, 2 out of 5 or 6 sixth form, forms have been filled in and one collage form, not doing bad considering i keep doing them wrong. Its a little irrating because im filling in the most forms (but thats my fault i guess, it was my choice).
Next on the my list of things to bore you to tears about is.... Media we had to do another part of unit 2 for the last couple of weeks. I finished so i am ahead of everyone but now we are going back to is unit 1 the writing never ends its always funny though. English mock language exams 2 hours believe it or not is not long enough we need at least another half an hour, also now in English we have just finished reading blood brothers i'm so obsessed with that play, i even started writing in one in the style of Willy Russel, then i remembered i can't write to save my life. so i scrapped that before i failed epicly. 'Living on the never, never constant as the changing weather, never sure who's at the door, oh the price you'll have to pay'. 

6 exams after christmas hoilday's no one has as many as me its so unfair. 1 biology,1 chemistry,1 physics and 3 maths. 3 MATHS!!! Their all in the morning though sonone go over time into after school time which is good also i don't think i'll have to re-sit my physics again :).
Anyway Bored yet?
Not going to carry on i've got nothing else really to talk about.
so talk to you next time guys and girls one last quote from blood brothers to keep you going 'did y' ever hear the story of the Johnstone twins. As like each other as two new pins, Of one womb, on the self same day, How one was kept and one given away?'
cookiemonster :)