I have a very busy holiday ahead of me and its already started, Friday last day of school i had to go shopping for food for d of e practice walk happening soon. This was quite weird and a little awkward, a member of our d of e group recently had an arguement which meant that one of them quit since they hadn't spoke in nearly a year, and since we need 4 people in our d of e group (we originally had 5) and one of them can't go we had to get either the original member back, so i was calling up this guy becuase no one has a problem with me, this call got made and we got him back yay. Anyway back to the shopping, it was awkward because im useless at breaking tension and there was some while we were shopping because the member that had just came back had a bad day so was in a bad mood im not sure what was happening but it clearly wasn't good. But as the evening went on the tension broke and we had fun sharing out the food, the annoying thing is though one of the members have a weird form of OCD which meant that i had a bunch of lose bars given to me to put in my fridge.

Today is Sunday. Today im going clumber park with my family and possibly my boyfriend doubt it though he won't want to be stuck with my family. I will give you more detail in a later post because today hasn't really started yet.
Tomorrow im going to be rather childish and go rollerblading for the first time in years with my friend, because we used to love rollerblading so we going to rollerblade around where i live which is a bit risky but oh well if one of us die so does the other, its going to be great, i'll also give you an update on that
Tuesday to thursday is my silver practice d of e walk, this the one where it gets awkward because this is the one where we are in a 4 one guy and 3 girls which wouldn't be to bad if the guy was in all contact with everyone as in speaking terms but the situation is understand able if you know what's happened which im not allowed to say so i won't friends honor and all that, im sorry im just one of those people that can keep secrets and will if asked to. It should still be fun though hopefully we will have a laugh and get along, like we used to. You know our original group was quite unique becuase we would get along amazingly well we loved each other so much its unbelieveable it is such a shame that a fall out had to happen but we will be back to the bronze group we were (Lost!) thats how it gonna be but anyway.
Friday is a day where i have to go in and do media work all because we literally have only 4 four weeks (A month) at school when we get back which is quite scary becuase i know theres so much more i need to do before my 13 exams hopefully though i should be okay. I think i should be studying right now, yeh i really should.
Saturday is a free day a day with no plans. SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No i'll probably have to study :(
Sunday i'm flying to france with the boyfriend and his family really early in the morning apprently which isn't good because apprently the guy taking us to the airport is really not a morning person.
Monday onwards im in france you'll hear more about this when i get back but im really looking forward to it.
So yeah that's my easter plans if any of you guys want to let me know what this holiday or a future holiday brings you can leave it in the comments
So thats my easter in my next post i will speak about the days that were only briefly mentioned in this one.
Cookiemonster 0:)