Friday, 31 December 2010

My last post of 2010

Hey Guys

This time i actually have nothing to talk about but i wanted to do a post titled that and i can't do that after today, so im going to find stuff to talk about errrr........

Media- There we go a topic to talk about. Radio show unit 7. Darkness FM. A radio show with wide ranges of music for a wide range of personalities . On this show i'm working with one person because our usual group deserted us :(, Never mind we can do it. 2 presenters for a 2 hour long radio show, no it won't be an hour each most of it will be music, there will be bits in show where we have competions ect. Would you listen to our show? No. What well :p to you all. Sorry childish moment there.

New topic, New topic errr....

Lucozade a different topic but 'hey hey im krusty the clown'

All the different flavours of lucozade my favourite personally is tropical
Tad dar lucazde tropical!

What about you what's your favourite Lucozade? Let me know or not you know thats life. 

This post should probably be called 'Pointless topics' or '2010 end pointless topics' Yes i agree all bad names but still either of them would be better then 'Last post in 2010', now i'm complaining i bet alot of you are thinking 'stop complaining about it and just change the name' But hey i thought i'd put this in to make the blog longer so it actually looks like i know what i'm doing. Which just incase you haven't noticed i don't have a clue . had a blog for over a year and still don't have a clue thats how awesome i am. 

What did everyone get for Christmas?

Met a new friend a couple of days ago. a friend from my friends primary school, Shes awesome usually around new people im like a mime (wanted to think of a more interesting simile but nevermind). But she was so easy to get along with she was insane (not quite betting me but still quite insane). Shame i had to leave early :( nevermind we are meeting up some other time over the next holidays because we can't see each other during term time since she goes to boarding school.

Don't ask me why that pictures there it just is. Blog to you next time, if you actually do still read these.

love my followers

cookiemonster :o

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

homework after home work after homework leave me alone its christmas holidays

hello hello hello

Christmas 2010 before the new year of 2011, very busy holiday, 6 exams when i go back, which means 6 exams to revise for. also 4 pratice papers and media improvements to do. Damn homework and if that wasn't enough i have to babysit as well.

Anyway its not all bad, for some reason my parents have been spoling me and my brother loads this holiday no idea why, i actually don't have any idea why.

Did you guys see the lunar eclipse? I'm a bit of a geek sorry but it was amazing and here we could see it perfectly because the sky was clear it was amazing plus the sky went really red. It was so cool. Ok geekiness over now ish.

Anyway today i also got a random call saying are you interested in buying a kitchen so i put on a half scottish halfamerican asent it sounded rediculus because im useless at acsents and spelling for that matter and said i wasn't interested it was funny because she didn't hang up the phone so i heard a conversation her and some other las was having silly people.

anayway that's all for now guys  i'll leave you with this quote
'Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything' My friend said that quote.

bye everyone

cookiemonster :L

Saturday, 11 December 2010

2010 is coming to a end. Hey, hey that rhymes


I know we still have christmas to go. but oh well. 2010 had its up and downs, i made new friends, completed my duke of edinburgh bronze. But i've lost both my grandparents and had exams.

2011 as far as i know. I have loads of exams, post 16 choices, silver duke of edinburgh and a one year anniversary with my boyfriend.

sorry short post forgot completely what i was going to say i'll talk to you another time.

Saturday, 27 November 2010


Hi Guys and Girls

SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just in case it wasn't obvious we have had snow here in britian, doesn't very traditional anymore since for the last few years we have either had no snow :( or snow in August :S. But this year its coming to the right-ish time of year early winter. So many people have said its going to be a white christmas,but to be honest i don't think it will, i want it to but it won't it will just be that silly to us.

On a different note, 2 out of 5 or 6 sixth form, forms have been filled in and one collage form, not doing bad considering i keep doing them wrong. Its a little irrating because im filling in the most forms (but thats my fault i guess, it was my choice).

Next on the my list of things to bore you to tears about is.... Media we had to do another part of unit 2 for the last couple of weeks. I finished so i am ahead of everyone but now we are going back to is unit 1 the writing never ends its always funny though. English mock language exams 2 hours believe it or not is not long enough we need at least another half an hour, also now in English we have just finished reading blood brothers i'm so obsessed with that play, i even started writing in one in the style of Willy Russel, then i remembered i can't write to save my life. so i scrapped that before i failed epicly. 'Living on the never, never constant as the changing weather, never sure who's at the door, oh the price you'll have to pay'.  

6 exams after christmas hoilday's no one has as many as me its so unfair. 1 biology,1 chemistry,1 physics and 3 maths. 3 MATHS!!! Their all in the morning though sonone go over time into after school time which is good also i don't think i'll have to re-sit my physics again :).

Anyway Bored yet?

Not going to carry on i've got nothing else really to talk about. 

so talk to you next time guys and girls one last quote from blood brothers to keep you going 'did y' ever hear the story of the Johnstone twins. As like each other as two new pins, Of one womb, on the self same day, How one was kept and one given away?'

cookiemonster :)

Friday, 12 November 2010

Post 16 options jeez

Hi again

Year 11 has only just started if im honest and im already applying for places. I've planned to apply to 6 sixth forms, 2 collages and at least one apprentiship. i like to be sure i have somewhere to go once year 11 ends and i enter a knew world, just thought id tell you that just in case it wasn't obvious, you know as you do. My main option iwant is sixth form the other are just sort of there in case i can't get in my grades aren't the best but hey if i work hard enough i should get there hopefully. If anyone is going through the annoying last year of school i doubt it but just in case you are here are some websites to check out-

So enough about the options im doing im sure you have no interest in this at all.

Relationships have blow outs its a good things once and a while- Who agrees let me know or dont whatever.

So having fun guys obviously not while reading this but otherwise sorry that this wasn't much of a post but hey ho i'll talk to you next time if i can

cookiemonster :p

Saturday, 23 October 2010

someone wore a hat
someone wore a hat
someone wore a hat!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Media Marketing and other stuff.

Hello Again

The post is sooner then normal today, just got bored so i throught i'd write to you guys. Not that im only bored when im talking to you guys obviously.

We had our last lesson of Unit 4 in media today. I realised i had more work to complete then i originally thought. i even did some work of my friends because she was a bit further behind , but don't tell anyone shhh.

Unit 4 consisted of a marketing campaign,  that my group and i had to plan and create it, we each made something for it i made a poster - its there next this writing. tell me what you think.
Our group also did a facebook group check it out-!/pages/Vortex-TV/112329592161948. we also did a article to put in the metro called 'star of avatar appears on new show' or something simular and finally we did a T-shirt.

We were originally planning to do a TV advert but things went wrong so we could not. we argue alot and one of the other members always seemed to get blamed for it and its never his fault. i can tell you the basic plan if your intrested and if your not tuff i'm going to tell you anyway. We are starting off in a classroom in black and white looking bored out of our minds, then someone comes in with a Vortex T-Shirt then all of a sudden everyone is happy in casual clothing dancing around to the Banana split song.

Now the other stuff dum dum dum...

NOTHING!!! only joking there is stuff not very interesting stuff but none the less. So school almost over for this term i just have tomorrow, Halloween *scary pumkin turtle*

I now have to consentrate on my re-sits again :'( two physics on the 11th of November and two english Mocks on the first wednesday back. i'm no where near prepared im going to fail again. i'm very stupid its really fun sorry being depressingish now * mutters* stop it Cookiemonster.

Happier news i love my stalker hes amazing i've meet him and everything you should really check out his blog he doesn't seem like much of a stalker but he is. No im not secondary advertising his blog im just saying.

Cold- to many people complaining. im coming to school with no coat just school uniform and i have a friend who comes in just his school shirt not his school jumper then you have people coming in with coats, gloves scarfs, no hats yet unfortantly give it time someone will come in with a hat and when they do i'll let you know immedently. 

We had a weird convasation at school today it only included the words potato, cherry, cucumber, f**k off and turtle, it was hulariously funny (sorry about spelling). We made a song out of it with actions and everything. 

Anyway people thats all for now another boring blog entry but you chose to follow, good choice i think i hope please be a good choice PLEASE

ok anyway i'll let you know when someone comes in with a hat

blog next time friends or followers whatever you consider yourself. i consider you friends not just followers.


Cookiemonster :P 

Saturday, 16 October 2010


Hi again

The annoyance is back, to do what she does best, can you guess what that is? Yeh your right to annoy you.

Hello Horrorshock and Robalian

Welcome to my blog, your idoits following this, only joking its not that bad, well it is but nevermind you are now following it ha.

Thanks for following my blog Horrorshock, even after all the comments i make on yours :) hope you don't mind me commenting on it i just really enjoy your blog.

So after the welcoming of our newist followers i get to talk randomly about stuff.

Final school year= exams, exams, more exams and the prom which i am being forced to go to eventhough i'm not really a prom girl, well i probably wouldn't mind if i didn't have to wear a dress :(.

had some family issues recently and had a couple meltdowns or rants what ever you wish to call them there alright but then i feel silly after woulds.

Almost completed my bronze D of E,  just need about a month on sport and 2 on service.

Guess what i also found my stalker or as he put it my biggest fan has made a blog. check it out on

Anyway thats as much as i have to say today.

sorry about my dull boring entries but hopefully they will get better. and i'll have more pictures next time

don't disown me yet keep following. talk to you next time. welcome again new followers

cookiemonster :0 

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Hey guys

sorry not posted in a while haven't able to get near the computer and when i have ive had no idea what to write. So this entry is going to be a quite boring one unfortantly just a warning.

So school started up again last year of school year 11, happy and sad about that at the same time its weird.
So im happily in a relationship, made new friends and already hate a bunch of my teachers. In english we are having to do loads this year before june, im studying a novel, a play and a bit of peotry for one test and i actually don't have a clue of what we are doing for the other one.

Went to Alton Towers last week (just in case you don't know what that is its a theme park) it was technicly for a media trip, because wehad a 45 min lecture on marketing then the rest of the day. At the start of the day i was walking around with people who didnt like big rides minusing a few people. so the group spilt and we went on big rides and the thers went on water rides, the trip back my friend who was sitting next to me on the bus let me steal her grapes while she attempted to sleep, she manged to not a clue how, but she did. i stole all her grapes opps one to many or 7 to many im not sure. 

Going to a physics lecture next tuesday, gonna be bored out of my mind but i get out of school for the majority of the day and some of my friends will hopefully be going. Also Sunday i was part of a little red riding hood photo shoot as part of my boyfriends phototgraphy homework.

Oh yeh remember the friend earlier in theis post that feel to sleep on the coach, shes going again as part of travel, lucky girl.

Media new unit, unit 4 a marketing campaign for our product heres the video damn ok i can't find it but when i do it will be put on in a future blog post.

New timetables im gonna complain now. they are rubbish simple as, we have opinions only on two days of the week and the other 3 are all core. monday i have two sciences and wednesdays i have to english i mean what is that about. i'll stop now or 'll rant.

clip-on ties boo :((((

sorry complaining is now over for this entry anyways promise.

sorry i talk alot its something im good at, along with the many bad things about me. Anyway enough about me your turn to talk guys, talk about what has happened anything of intrest? only if you want of course.
keep blogging guys

cookiemonster :p

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

last elmfeild gig :(


So recently i went to the last elmfield gig. There were about 8of us this time. But i also ran into one of my friends that i haven't seen in ages. :). The gig was fun i got a bit dizzy but oh well. the first band that came on was not very good because they took ten minutes of there playing time to tune there instrements, then there lead singer was late, so they started without him, they were pretty good, then there lead singer came and made it to over the top.

The last band i saw were quite good, and they didn't have to tune for ten minutes. anyway it was alright but we make as much of idiots out of our selves as we usally do, whichwas a bit of a downer. We also didn't take any pictures this time so i can't show you them, sorry guys.

anyway not a very intresting post i know, but oh well.

cookiemonster :)

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

End of the school year

Wow its the end of year 10 i'm in my last year of school thats scary :o.

This year has been full of exitement and not always the good kind. i've had a lot of personal issues between family and friends, also i've had rushed coursework and loads of exams plus when the year 9s came for a trial i couldn't have any lunch which caused me to be in hospitial. but theres also been amazing gigs, i've made new friends and came closer with some of them, i've completed my Duke of Edinburg bronze walks and i now know myself a bit better. :) so even with all the bad times i can over power them with the good ones.  

So this summer i've got nothing planned but i would like to see some of my friends over the holidays. thats unlikely to happen tho :( because i have to babysit my brother for about 3 weeks of the holidays. but hey you know what i'll figure out a way to see them all of at least talk to them lol.

btw thanks for the comments on my last post ally-cat and rock chick :)
i hope i haven't bored you too much lol.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

random quotes

"The truth is that everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the ones wearth suffering for"

"Sometimes the most real things in life, are the things that can't be seen"

"Life's a bitch you either fight it or let it take over"

"97% of guys are dickheads who will move on at the drop of a hat, 2% of guys are loyal but there is a chance they will cheat and the 1% of guys are caring and wouldn't cheat. if you find the 1% don't ever let them go"

"When someone dies there never truely gone"

for this post i want your opinion outof the given list which do you agree with most, and if you haven't other quotes write them on your comments

thanks for continuing to follow. x

cookiemonster :)

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


hi again

i am now alot happier because i've had a major problem over the past week or two and im so happy that its finally sorted everything out.

it wasn't easy but at least its over :)

i might blog a bit more maybe now that things are easier. thanks to my follows for sticking with me even tho my entries have been pretty crap recently.

thank you all and i will try and make it more intresting

cookiemonster :)

Sunday, 13 June 2010


hi again

i cant deside on what background from the new design blog thing any ideas?

Friday, 11 June 2010

June, end of june.


so i've almost reached the end of exams only got 2 exams left (this year anyway). 2 physics re-sits :(

but before i have them on the 28th june. i have the proper assesment Dof E walk. then after i have a hospital appointment and a dentist appointment.

lol busy 5 days i don't even get to go to the other elmfield gig this month. :(

anyway not really owt to say but its been a while, so i again felt obligated  to write something that will bore you like hell, lol.

talk toyoumore whenihave more to say

cookie monster:L

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Friday, 28 May 2010

just another elmfeild gig

hey look! its me again

i went to the elmfeild gig again

but this time there was only like 20 people this time so it was very small and me and my friends took up about 14 of the 20 lol.

it was still fun tho, there was an acustic guitarist to start he was pretty good, but the second band was kind of crap to be honest, but the last band was amazing and we didn't want them to go off stage. A bunch of us made idiots out of ourselves but others were just not bovered which kind of ruined it. but not completely.

It was like 2 seperate groups in that room this time the couples were at one side and the single people were on the other. but to be honest there was only like 3 or 4 couples.

when the guitarist, who went on first came into the main area 3 people went up to him and asked if he would take a picture with him. lol

i'm sure we have pics this time so i could show you some again in my next entry.

also earilier today it was the year 11s last day so i had to hug them goodbye but the good thing is most of them are going to 6th form so i will see them again next year yay! it's scary to think that, that will be me in a few months ahhh! thats a seriously scary throught lol.

but on thursday it was my 6th form friends last day because he got excluded :( me and my mates are gonna miss him so much, but i get to see him again because he's on the D of E team.

its now half term for us here, we have a week off then we go back to school :( and i have a packed first weekend but then the rest of the week is purely doing nothing.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

D of E trail photos

hey here are the pics from the expedition trail.

Monday, 10 May 2010

D of E trail run up and downs.

hi its me again

im using nicknames in this blog entry becoz i cnt use real names and it would get to confusing. so the names are weird but they are actual nicknames.
day 1
so last weekend i went on a trail run of our teams bronze award and there was alot of up and downs. my team included sat-nav, cyberdonkey, Greek vampire, nomi and pingoo

in the team there was 5 of us and we were called LOST! and so the trip started fine until after the first 5 mins when me and greek vampire had twisted there ankle.

then we went passed a park there was this big slide and nomi was obsessed with going down the slide so she did with a massive camping rucsack on so she banged her head on the ground and cracked her head open but we took her to see a leader but we had to wait 45 mins then she was taken to the hospital. then we decided to carry on for the person who went down the slide.

then everything was fine except the arguements between sat-nav and cyberdonkey about which way we were to go, because we couldn't keep to the route plan

then we came to a million hills and i had a panic attack that was not fun, but then i had another one so cyberdonkey and greek vampire insisded they carry my bag but i keept trying to get it back off them but they keept having a go at me. then later on cyberdonkey was attack by barbed wire, but he's fine.

we got to the campsite then we were the last ones there so we had to cook our food and set up our tents.

day 2

we had to walk again and since nomi refused to go home after what happened but i we wereon track then i ruined the jorney by miss readin the map and so we had to turn back then as we went up a hill then nomi got confused and dizzy so we had to take her to the van.

then we contiued nothing really happened really then once we got to the vcan on the way back i had some rocky bars so i offered them to everyone only two poeple excepted. then cyberdonkey and greek vampire had million failed attempts of taking a picture of

so thatsmy weekend sorry for the long entry

Saturday, 1 May 2010

another friday night elmfeild gig!!

hi again

its me so i went to the gig again

this time another one of my mates came who pretented to be a lesbian with one of my other mates, im not sure weather i worked. so they played don't stop believing again and people were going insane about it lol. a first there was like 3 in a line thing jumping at the same time and then i joined on then about 10 more people joined on it was fun as. then i spilt up before the end of the song so that kind of ruined it but still. and the last band came on the room was like half empty i felt so sorry for them but they had everyone get a CD off them. but i ended up with two CDs that i got free. yay.

lol sorry i have no pictures for this one
i'll try and get one next month promise.


Monday, 26 April 2010

ally-cat style problem


sorry its not letting me comment on ur blog so i throught i would give you some ideas on mine, hope you see this its not description but some pics that might help

when you see these styles they may not be you or suit you but im not sure what you look like and im not surgesting the colours just the styles.

i dont own these picture used in this blog entry.

hope this helped
but if u hate them then don't comment on how bad they are not that you would.
