someone wore a hat
someone wore a hat
someone wore a hat!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Media Marketing and other stuff.
Hello Again
The post is sooner then normal today, just got bored so i throught i'd write to you guys. Not that im only bored when im talking to you guys obviously.
We had our last lesson of Unit 4 in media today. I realised i had more work to complete then i originally thought. i even did some work of my friends because she was a bit further behind , but don't tell anyone shhh.
Unit 4 consisted of a marketing campaign, that my group and i had to plan and create it, we each made something for it i made a poster - its there next this writing. tell me what you think.
The post is sooner then normal today, just got bored so i throught i'd write to you guys. Not that im only bored when im talking to you guys obviously.
We had our last lesson of Unit 4 in media today. I realised i had more work to complete then i originally thought. i even did some work of my friends because she was a bit further behind , but don't tell anyone shhh.
Our group also did a facebook group check it out-!/pages/Vortex-TV/112329592161948. we also did a article to put in the metro called 'star of avatar appears on new show' or something simular and finally we did a T-shirt.
We were originally planning to do a TV advert but things went wrong so we could not. we argue alot and one of the other members always seemed to get blamed for it and its never his fault. i can tell you the basic plan if your intrested and if your not tuff i'm going to tell you anyway. We are starting off in a classroom in black and white looking bored out of our minds, then someone comes in with a Vortex T-Shirt then all of a sudden everyone is happy in casual clothing dancing around to the Banana split song.
Now the other stuff dum dum dum...
NOTHING!!! only joking there is stuff not very interesting stuff but none the less. So school almost over for this term i just have tomorrow, Halloween *scary pumkin turtle*
I now have to consentrate on my re-sits again :'( two physics on the 11th of November and two english Mocks on the first wednesday back. i'm no where near prepared im going to fail again. i'm very stupid its really fun sorry being depressingish now * mutters* stop it Cookiemonster.
Happier news i love my stalker hes amazing i've meet him and everything you should really check out his blog he doesn't seem like much of a stalker but he is. No im not secondary advertising his blog im just saying.
Cold- to many people complaining. im coming to school with no coat just school uniform and i have a friend who comes in just his school shirt not his school jumper then you have people coming in with coats, gloves scarfs, no hats yet unfortantly give it time someone will come in with a hat and when they do i'll let you know immedently.
We had a weird convasation at school today it only included the words potato, cherry, cucumber, f**k off and turtle, it was hulariously funny (sorry about spelling). We made a song out of it with actions and everything.
Anyway people thats all for now another boring blog entry but you chose to follow, good choice i think i hope please be a good choice PLEASE
ok anyway i'll let you know when someone comes in with a hat
blog next time friends or followers whatever you consider yourself. i consider you friends not just followers.
Cookiemonster :P
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Hi again
The annoyance is back, to do what she does best, can you guess what that is? Yeh your right to annoy you.
Hello Horrorshock and Robalian
Welcome to my blog, your idoits following this, only joking its not that bad, well it is but nevermind you are now following it ha.
Thanks for following my blog Horrorshock, even after all the comments i make on yours :) hope you don't mind me commenting on it i just really enjoy your blog.
So after the welcoming of our newist followers i get to talk randomly about stuff.
Final school year= exams, exams, more exams and the prom which i am being forced to go to eventhough i'm not really a prom girl, well i probably wouldn't mind if i didn't have to wear a dress :(.
had some family issues recently and had a couple meltdowns or rants what ever you wish to call them there alright but then i feel silly after woulds.
Almost completed my bronze D of E, just need about a month on sport and 2 on service.
Guess what i also found my stalker or as he put it my biggest fan has made a blog. check it out on
Anyway thats as much as i have to say today.
sorry about my dull boring entries but hopefully they will get better. and i'll have more pictures next time
don't disown me yet keep following. talk to you next time. welcome again new followers
cookiemonster :0
The annoyance is back, to do what she does best, can you guess what that is? Yeh your right to annoy you.
Hello Horrorshock and Robalian
Welcome to my blog, your idoits following this, only joking its not that bad, well it is but nevermind you are now following it ha.
Thanks for following my blog Horrorshock, even after all the comments i make on yours :) hope you don't mind me commenting on it i just really enjoy your blog.
So after the welcoming of our newist followers i get to talk randomly about stuff.
Final school year= exams, exams, more exams and the prom which i am being forced to go to eventhough i'm not really a prom girl, well i probably wouldn't mind if i didn't have to wear a dress :(.
had some family issues recently and had a couple meltdowns or rants what ever you wish to call them there alright but then i feel silly after woulds.
Almost completed my bronze D of E, just need about a month on sport and 2 on service.
Guess what i also found my stalker or as he put it my biggest fan has made a blog. check it out on
Anyway thats as much as i have to say today.
sorry about my dull boring entries but hopefully they will get better. and i'll have more pictures next time
don't disown me yet keep following. talk to you next time. welcome again new followers
cookiemonster :0
Thursday, 7 October 2010
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