Today i went to a audidtion for waterloo road if you don't know what waterloo road is its a TV program filmed in England and its about a school. yesterday everyone got a notice in there regester saying that waterloo road were allowing student to audititon for extras.
i was planning on going and when i got there we were told it wasn't going to start til half past two so me and two of my mates walk around for about 20 mins then went back and loads more people had turned up i was woo i dont have a chance.
once the audition started she just talked about whatever we needed to do then we got given a couple of forms and we just filled them in then got our picture taken then we could go. the worlds easiest auditions ever. so if waterloo shows on tv werever all my followers are from you will see me, without knowing who i am, lol
anyway the auditions are over but my day isn't, today i get to see my best friend from when i was like 10 so i haven't seen her for like 4 or 5 years so im really exicted about it. yay.
snow has got completely now, now its just rain:(
but its still cold which is unfair.
anyway my boringly boring life
talk to you when ever
see ya