so today i got woken up today by a loud knock on my bedroom door and i was like go away and i thought if i pretend not to hear they would go away but no they come in and a loud shaking of keys about 4 times so they werent gonna go away so i open me eyes and i'm like wat
it was my little brother asking me which key was a front door key i was like y it was because he wanted to go outside i was like is tht all but he had the wrong lot of keys and i couldnt be bovered to find mine so i told him to use the bk door key which was on tht lot of keys then i came downstairs to read a note sayin tht my parents were in town and werent gonna be bk til like 2 o'clock tht means more babysittin ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
so keys are at the bottom of my awesomeness list today
EVIL KEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ive started watchin a new blog on utube meekakitty she is so weird but not as weird as me no one will be hahaha but ur pretty close
still snow im winnin yeh
oh yeh i called parents for no reason and i asked thm wat they were buying and they said they had things to get they didnt tell me wat so they r buying last miniute xmas presents
i was talkin 2 someone on messanger and i wanted a new name so he found 4 amazing names of the internet:-
1. Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet
2.If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?
3.Operator! Give me the number for 911
4.If one synchronised swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?
who else thinks these r amazing tell which 1 u think is the best comment
i hate homework over the holidays especially when u swear u hav already done it once
tht is annoyin.
now i hav brought my parents xmas present a book 4 mi mum and a DVD for mi dad and it will be fun to see there reaction lol
on the way bk from ASDA i was meowin like a cat all the way home it annoyed very1 and yet i still didn't stop hehehe
oh yeh in ASDA i saw this guy wiv this amazin jacket on and i said i like your jacket
and he looked at me looked down for a second then said i like my jacket too and then i nooded and walked away and then everywhere me and my little brother went we would see him it was freaky becoz he wasn't followin us i dont think i hope not eeeeeeeeeeck
anyway thts my weirdly boring day
tomorrow or friday is xmas
wahoo its getting closer
hope you wasent getting folowed by that guy and happ xmas and have a great new year