hi so this is my first blog, wahoo!
xmas in 6 days or 5 days depending on when you think xmas is the 25 or 24
so today nothing much has really happened but yesturday it was a non-uniform day and it had snowed and it had steatled so me and my mates had a massive snowball fight and when i hit one of my mates in the face when i turned around so he sneaked up behind me and took my santa hat off and smashed the snowball on my head it was freezing then my other mate randomly fell down then couldnt get up so everyone attacked her with snowballs.
since it was the last day of school we had to go back to form and people randomly throw alot of sweets at me but some where almost as bad as me at throwing and they completely missed me. we got let out early and the gate was locked so lots of poeple cli
mbed over the fence it was funny because there was this person who couldn't get over the fence and fell like three times and i was waiting for my mate because we were gonna go to the cinema to watch st trinians but it wasn't on for about an hour so we watched Nativity it was better then it looks on the picture.

and last night i was bored and couldn't sleep so i typed in my name on google images yes i was that bored but it was anoying because my names the same as a crap singer so i got a million picture of her and i was like get lost your really crap.
oh yeah before that after i came back from the cinema and went to the bus stop i couldn't find my buspass so i was like oh shit but i found a bit more money in my bag so i was like thank god and when i got on the bus i was wearing a santa hat and people looked at me like oh my god you sado but oh well that always happens and i got my stephan king book out the eyes of a dragon its an amazing book, you should read it now! anyway i was still wearing the hat and a kid about four through i was santa which was funny since i wasen't wearing a santa costume unless a star hoodie and skinny jeans is what you think santa wears then i looked really like santa. and i have a new hobbie falling off bus chairs i do that alot.
talk to you next time well write to you but same difference see ya next time and keep bloging
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