hi everyone
yesturday was fun i went to this free gig with 2 of me mates we were like the little group in the corner it was funny becoz after a group sang it went 2 a disco thing which was rubbish but they had this massive dance off which is probibly gonna be on youtube soon i may sent u a link once i find the vid, anyway i didnt really join in the deformed dance off but there was quite alot of people who did there was so dodgy moves and some good ones but it was freakishly awesome eventhough the music was crap it was awesome for once in my life i was dancin like a freak to chavvy music no offence if you like chavy music. it wasnt as good as sonisphere tho last year that was amazing
after the party i had to come home shame back to borin reality me and my mate almost left our other mate to walk to the bus station but i got my mates parents to give him a lift to the bus station and once i got to home i had lasagna to heat up it tasted like crap never get a readymeal lasagna its a serious waste of money.
its gettin warmer wahoo
i no i only hav 4 followers but im sure u guys have questions so ask and i'll answer most of them or all depending on the questions in my next blog entry.
so thats all for now guys
talk to you next time
cookiemonster =p
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Thursday, 28 January 2010
whats new i the world of people
hi guess who its me again lol
yesturday i PE it was weird because we played this american game i can't rememberwhat it was called and no it wasnt american football i can remember that i think. anyway it was a cross between rounders, volleyball and dodgeball it was really good but my team lost shame, but they did have me on there team so it should be exspected.
today i got another song from my mate on my memorycard and yet with 354KB of memory on my phone i still can't take a picture thats not normal.
sorry my day has been boring as boring is
i have just started listening to lostprophets there amazing i can't believe ive only just started listening to them when i heard about them weeks ago oh look its raining oh yeah u dont care that its raining here.
im downloading more songs on to my mp3 i dont even no how many songs i have on there its to many then i can be bovered to count.
im annoyed with lady gaga sorry if u listen to her but i go on youtube and put in a band i listen to one of there songs her stupid bad romance song comes in the realted videos.
anyway probibly my most boring blog yet but u no
cya guys my followers are awesome
cookiemonster :D
yesturday i PE it was weird because we played this american game i can't rememberwhat it was called and no it wasnt american football i can remember that i think. anyway it was a cross between rounders, volleyball and dodgeball it was really good but my team lost shame, but they did have me on there team so it should be exspected.
today i got another song from my mate on my memorycard and yet with 354KB of memory on my phone i still can't take a picture thats not normal.
sorry my day has been boring as boring is
i have just started listening to lostprophets there amazing i can't believe ive only just started listening to them when i heard about them weeks ago oh look its raining oh yeah u dont care that its raining here.
im downloading more songs on to my mp3 i dont even no how many songs i have on there its to many then i can be bovered to count.
im annoyed with lady gaga sorry if u listen to her but i go on youtube and put in a band i listen to one of there songs her stupid bad romance song comes in the realted videos.
anyway probibly my most boring blog yet but u no
cya guys my followers are awesome
cookiemonster :D
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
first basketball practise today
hi yes the title say it all well all the first bit anyway
i had my first basketball practise today wahoo i like basketball there was only 6 of use tho which was anoying but still fun. you know the teacher i told u about a few blog entries ago she was there and wen she saw me she said u joinin basketball again and i said yes she cheered the only reason i went was because me friend didn't want to go on her own, but it turned out alright. but again i hurt my finger everytime i play basketball i hurt that same finger.
ordinary PE today we were doing leadership and im not a good leader but all we did was a deformed warm up thing first it was a game or rats and rabbits that got confusing because once you got tug you had to swap from a rabbit to a rat or vice verca. then we played this game which i dont no what it was called but we had to run to a line and back then the person behind had to grab ur hand wen you put it between there legs i was lucky i was at the back so i didnt have to look as dodgy as everyone else but it was funny especially wen you see others play the game lol.
im offially anoyed with media and this project we have been doing it for so long and theres nothin new, right complaint over.
confused stickman is my new obsession now so if i randomly write confused stick man somewhere its totally normal for me. do you wanna know how i came up with that, if not im gonna tell me anyway, my drawin skills r very bad but i was bored in physics so i drew a stickman then since i was confused about something he was saying something to do with gamma rays so i made the stickman look confused.
anyway again a borin blog
cya next time well talk to ur next time
i had my first basketball practise today wahoo i like basketball there was only 6 of use tho which was anoying but still fun. you know the teacher i told u about a few blog entries ago she was there and wen she saw me she said u joinin basketball again and i said yes she cheered the only reason i went was because me friend didn't want to go on her own, but it turned out alright. but again i hurt my finger everytime i play basketball i hurt that same finger.
ordinary PE today we were doing leadership and im not a good leader but all we did was a deformed warm up thing first it was a game or rats and rabbits that got confusing because once you got tug you had to swap from a rabbit to a rat or vice verca. then we played this game which i dont no what it was called but we had to run to a line and back then the person behind had to grab ur hand wen you put it between there legs i was lucky i was at the back so i didnt have to look as dodgy as everyone else but it was funny especially wen you see others play the game lol.
im offially anoyed with media and this project we have been doing it for so long and theres nothin new, right complaint over.
confused stickman is my new obsession now so if i randomly write confused stick man somewhere its totally normal for me. do you wanna know how i came up with that, if not im gonna tell me anyway, my drawin skills r very bad but i was bored in physics so i drew a stickman then since i was confused about something he was saying something to do with gamma rays so i made the stickman look confused.
anyway again a borin blog
cya next time well talk to ur next time
Monday, 25 January 2010
i'm sorry
hi i just wanted to appolgise for my last entry i was is in a crappy mood but i'm fine now and also i wanted to thank you ally-cat for standin up for me ur awesome.
so today i made a twitter for no aparent reason and i don't no what to enter for my first twitter but if you want to follow me on twitter me username is totalweirdo
life is like life i finished the contents page in media see my life is very intrestin lol
i dont get mi phone i couldnt take a pic because my memory was full but yet i manged to get 2 pictures and a song from my friend thats weird
i just called first about the hoodie i lost on the bus and a woman with a weird actsent i think its was scotish but im not sure and she said " hello first bus servce what can i do for you?"
i replied "hi i lost a black hoodie on one of your buses"
"ok can you decribe it?"
" yeh its black and it has a skull on it"
"its black and it has a picture of a skull on it"
" oh a picture"
"no, i dont beleive we have ur hoodie goodbye"
then she hung up on me fun phone call
so nothin new at all
so today i made a twitter for no aparent reason and i don't no what to enter for my first twitter but if you want to follow me on twitter me username is totalweirdo
life is like life i finished the contents page in media see my life is very intrestin lol
i dont get mi phone i couldnt take a pic because my memory was full but yet i manged to get 2 pictures and a song from my friend thats weird
i just called first about the hoodie i lost on the bus and a woman with a weird actsent i think its was scotish but im not sure and she said " hello first bus servce what can i do for you?"
i replied "hi i lost a black hoodie on one of your buses"
"ok can you decribe it?"
" yeh its black and it has a skull on it"
"its black and it has a picture of a skull on it"
" oh a picture"
"no, i dont beleive we have ur hoodie goodbye"
then she hung up on me fun phone call
so nothin new at all
Sunday, 24 January 2010
hi rock chick
hi so 1 of my followers have complained i rambile on 2 much so if you agree post a comment 2 see if u agree but rock chick this doesnt include you because i no wat you think.
sorry if this sounds a bit mean or wateva im not in the best mood ever
anyway only a short 1 talk 2 u nxt time
cookiemonster :L
sorry if this sounds a bit mean or wateva im not in the best mood ever
anyway only a short 1 talk 2 u nxt time
cookiemonster :L
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
idiotic of me
so today guess what i had a work experience interveiw 2day at the RSPCA and i need 80p 2 get home guess what i only had fifty pence only enough for 1 bus so i had to walk for about 45 mins from the RSPCA to my bus stop where i would catch my second bus when i first found out i thought well its not that far and the odd long walk is alright, then i got home and realised i had to go to work but my feet were killing me little tip never wear pumps if ur walking a long way it hurts trust me.
anyway today at school was pretty much the same i didnt do anything of intrest but i keept being called a syclops because i have this new hairstyle that covers 1 eye but oh well
the hairstyle is like a emo hairstyle but its not i'll find it and show you kinda what it looks like
execpt my hairs brown i don't wear a bow and i dont wear makeup but basiclly the same
right now i hate facebook it keeps freezing or just not loading then saying there is something wrong with it which there isnt
O yeah today in P.E we played bench ball a crappy game and the team i was in won then it changed a little we had to shot a basket after catching the ball and the teacher either gave me a complement or tried to make me join basketball again she said "you will be a real help once you get over there with the shooting" i replied "i'm not that good" then she said "you are" then left so i didnt no weather to take that as a complelment or not if it was a complement and shes reading this which i really dout she be thinking to herself "that stupid girl cant take a complement" but the only reason i think this is because it sounds like a complement but then at the end of the lesson she made a big speech about what is on at school both lunch and after school and she has always been like that since Y7 well i no she was like that Y7 and Y10 but im not sure about inbetween
still no one has commented on signing my blog the way i did so if it annoys you comment and i'll stop doing the whole signing off thing
anyway nothing really new or of intrest at all but cya
cookie monster:(
anyway today at school was pretty much the same i didnt do anything of intrest but i keept being called a syclops because i have this new hairstyle that covers 1 eye but oh well
the hairstyle is like a emo hairstyle but its not i'll find it and show you kinda what it looks like

execpt my hairs brown i don't wear a bow and i dont wear makeup but basiclly the same
right now i hate facebook it keeps freezing or just not loading then saying there is something wrong with it which there isnt
O yeah today in P.E we played bench ball a crappy game and the team i was in won then it changed a little we had to shot a basket after catching the ball and the teacher either gave me a complement or tried to make me join basketball again she said "you will be a real help once you get over there with the shooting" i replied "i'm not that good" then she said "you are" then left so i didnt no weather to take that as a complelment or not if it was a complement and shes reading this which i really dout she be thinking to herself "that stupid girl cant take a complement" but the only reason i think this is because it sounds like a complement but then at the end of the lesson she made a big speech about what is on at school both lunch and after school and she has always been like that since Y7 well i no she was like that Y7 and Y10 but im not sure about inbetween
still no one has commented on signing my blog the way i did so if it annoys you comment and i'll stop doing the whole signing off thing
anyway nothing really new or of intrest at all but cya
cookie monster:(
Thursday, 14 January 2010
im bored of being ill
hi its me again
so hows every1
im on my 6th day of being ill its so boring the only good thing is that i get to miss school wahoo
wednesday i went 2 the doctors and there was this woman with a notepad and a pen so i was being observed in a doctors oppontment wat the hell
also i miss all this weeks media so the rest of the group have to do all my work which is so unfair but i cant go to school at least i get out of researching stuff which i really hate.
this week has been boring i almost got told to go to school today but then my dad remembered what the doctor said and then i got another day off, but today is when i got my GCSE results back for my first actual GCSE test it was science here are my results:-
biology- C
chemistry- C
Physics- E
i've kind of got the choice on weather or not i wanna re-take that test i think i will i don't want any record of that E ever, now since im ill ur probibly woundering how i no my scores well my friend who was at school got them for me a texted them to me, i asked what she got and she did worse then me on one of them which is weird because she is smarter then me but i surpose she was unwell on that day. and i think shes taking the Physics again but im not sure.
also earilier i started a wikihow thing you know article it was called haw to make an amazing batch of cookies now my cookies arnt that amazing but i thought i'd try and help someone make a perfect batch of cookies but then i got bored and forgot 2 save it, so people will not be able to make my not-so-amazing batch of cookies shame. lol
i was thinking of signin off every blog entry with cookie monster but im not sure if i should i'll do it with the next few and see how it looks and you can comment and tell me if you want
nothing else really 2 talk about
sorry all my blog entries r so boring they will get better eventaully
k bye
cookie monster :)
so hows every1
im on my 6th day of being ill its so boring the only good thing is that i get to miss school wahoo
wednesday i went 2 the doctors and there was this woman with a notepad and a pen so i was being observed in a doctors oppontment wat the hell
also i miss all this weeks media so the rest of the group have to do all my work which is so unfair but i cant go to school at least i get out of researching stuff which i really hate.
this week has been boring i almost got told to go to school today but then my dad remembered what the doctor said and then i got another day off, but today is when i got my GCSE results back for my first actual GCSE test it was science here are my results:-
biology- C
chemistry- C
Physics- E
i've kind of got the choice on weather or not i wanna re-take that test i think i will i don't want any record of that E ever, now since im ill ur probibly woundering how i no my scores well my friend who was at school got them for me a texted them to me, i asked what she got and she did worse then me on one of them which is weird because she is smarter then me but i surpose she was unwell on that day. and i think shes taking the Physics again but im not sure.
also earilier i started a wikihow thing you know article it was called haw to make an amazing batch of cookies now my cookies arnt that amazing but i thought i'd try and help someone make a perfect batch of cookies but then i got bored and forgot 2 save it, so people will not be able to make my not-so-amazing batch of cookies shame. lol
i was thinking of signin off every blog entry with cookie monster but im not sure if i should i'll do it with the next few and see how it looks and you can comment and tell me if you want
nothing else really 2 talk about
sorry all my blog entries r so boring they will get better eventaully
k bye
cookie monster :)
Friday, 8 January 2010
a few changes and coldness
so its me again yes the person who is just writing for 2 followers.
so i followed someone new 2day it fun its freaky because shes alot like me but not as weird as me she will never be as weird as me no one will ha ha.
anyway bad day homework from every lesson including two seperate pieces of homework in two of the same lesson that is so unfair sorry i'm complaining.
so today our media group got changed and now its better wahoo
it was Tim, Sevim, Me, Sherridan
now its Me, Sevim, Sherridan and Harrison
lets analysis them again:
Sevim- friend
Sherridan- good taste in music mostly
Harrison- didn't really know him but now i know he is a bit weird which is so awesome
walked to town fun cold
i had these pump things on and the roads were so slippy it was like i dont no but slippy but weirdly i didnt fall i nearly did but i did but i had help to stop me from falling so thanks guys if you ever read this.
then we were breaking iceicles of the market place and we dared my mate to eat 1 and she did if you dont believe me look on youtube sorry i don't have a link for it so she did eat it then i throught thats easy so they dared me to eat another 1 once i find the video i'll show u than my other friend also ate 1 but he just put in his mouth and ate in like 30 seconds and me and my other friend took like 2 mins we r so slow.
i just took a quiz that my surgested it was called hideieus, hot, pretty or drop dead gorgus sorry for spelling and guess what i got hot what the hell im not hot.
take away for dinner PIZZA!!! YAY!!!
cold feet just throught i'd point that out.
anyway cya
sorry 2day wasn't very intresting
but it will get better cya
so i followed someone new 2day it fun its freaky because shes alot like me but not as weird as me she will never be as weird as me no one will ha ha.
anyway bad day homework from every lesson including two seperate pieces of homework in two of the same lesson that is so unfair sorry i'm complaining.
so today our media group got changed and now its better wahoo
it was Tim, Sevim, Me, Sherridan
now its Me, Sevim, Sherridan and Harrison
lets analysis them again:
Sevim- friend
Sherridan- good taste in music mostly
Harrison- didn't really know him but now i know he is a bit weird which is so awesome
walked to town fun cold
i had these pump things on and the roads were so slippy it was like i dont no but slippy but weirdly i didnt fall i nearly did but i did but i had help to stop me from falling so thanks guys if you ever read this.
then we were breaking iceicles of the market place and we dared my mate to eat 1 and she did if you dont believe me look on youtube sorry i don't have a link for it so she did eat it then i throught thats easy so they dared me to eat another 1 once i find the video i'll show u than my other friend also ate 1 but he just put in his mouth and ate in like 30 seconds and me and my other friend took like 2 mins we r so slow.
i just took a quiz that my surgested it was called hideieus, hot, pretty or drop dead gorgus sorry for spelling and guess what i got hot what the hell im not hot.
take away for dinner PIZZA!!! YAY!!!
cold feet just throught i'd point that out.
anyway cya
sorry 2day wasn't very intresting
but it will get better cya
Thursday, 7 January 2010
ever slipped on ice?
it was the first full day of school this year today thats not good because only half of my school was closed yeah half
years 7-9 were off
years 10-6th form had to go to school which is unfair but at least my little brother had to go to school so im not mocked by him its easy to mock back but still.
snow snow again but it was all icey so i saw my mate that i hadn't talked to in a while and we walked up to school and nearly fell over about four times.
last lesson media we are starting a new unit, unit 2 so we got put into groups i'm in a four with sherriden, tim and sevim
sherriden-good taste in music mostly
sevim-a friend
me- is me
and we have to invent a fake company then design a magazine for teenagers and then a TV program based around the same thing then pitch our ideas and then invent the actual magazine and TV show which will probibly end up on youtube like the first one that we did in a different group, i would give you the link but guess what i dont no what it is so, sorry
then after school i was surpose to go somewhere but it was canceled for a reason that i dont know, anyway so i walked to the bus stop with 3 of my mates then one left to get in there parents car, then another one left with me to get on the bus with me then the final one was at the bus stop but i think she got on the bus ok
on the bus i saw the guy that im friends with just because we mess about mocking each other since hes like really tall he calls me midget mostly but he tends to beat with comebacks i need to think of some once i got off the bus my mp3 started working it was amazing in a good way and then i came home im home now wahoo
nooooooooooooooooooooo maths homework ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at least im good at maths well better then i am at english both litriture and languge
anyway i'll cya people
years 7-9 were off
years 10-6th form had to go to school which is unfair but at least my little brother had to go to school so im not mocked by him its easy to mock back but still.
snow snow again but it was all icey so i saw my mate that i hadn't talked to in a while and we walked up to school and nearly fell over about four times.
last lesson media we are starting a new unit, unit 2 so we got put into groups i'm in a four with sherriden, tim and sevim
sherriden-good taste in music mostly
sevim-a friend
me- is me
and we have to invent a fake company then design a magazine for teenagers and then a TV program based around the same thing then pitch our ideas and then invent the actual magazine and TV show which will probibly end up on youtube like the first one that we did in a different group, i would give you the link but guess what i dont no what it is so, sorry
then after school i was surpose to go somewhere but it was canceled for a reason that i dont know, anyway so i walked to the bus stop with 3 of my mates then one left to get in there parents car, then another one left with me to get on the bus with me then the final one was at the bus stop but i think she got on the bus ok
on the bus i saw the guy that im friends with just because we mess about mocking each other since hes like really tall he calls me midget mostly but he tends to beat with comebacks i need to think of some once i got off the bus my mp3 started working it was amazing in a good way and then i came home im home now wahoo
nooooooooooooooooooooo maths homework ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at least im good at maths well better then i am at english both litriture and languge
anyway i'll cya people
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
unfinished and a new day
hi so i didnt finish yesterday's blog dont worry its not very long
so back to the whole my brothers got a party well i'm an idiot i forgot my bus fare to get home and it was freezing and it was for about 45 mins nothing to someone in the antrctica people but im not from that place so it was cold for me.
today back to school:( and i got there 40mins late but since it was snowing my PE group was playing in the snow so all i had to do was join them on the feild but it was a snowball fight and i was in my uniform and they were in there PE kit so i was freezing in my next lesson then half way through the lesson knock on our IT room door and said " i have update's on the snow if your intrested" then everyone said yes
so she told us that we have an exstened break then we had to get our mark on period 3so we did then when i got to the bus stop people keept leaving and saying there was no more buses but i waited for about 20 mins then caught my bus and both my brothers were on that bus
snow, snow, snowball fight 5 in total 1 at school 2 on my street and 2 at my mates, mates house fun freezing walk home again its so fun actually ive got a pic of our snow
okay i couldnt get my pic but heres on that looks simular anyway when i got home again it was dinner time so i had a warm dinner but i was still cold. now im waiting to find if we avew to go back to school tomorrow i hope we don't
cya guys
so back to the whole my brothers got a party well i'm an idiot i forgot my bus fare to get home and it was freezing and it was for about 45 mins nothing to someone in the antrctica people but im not from that place so it was cold for me.
today back to school:( and i got there 40mins late but since it was snowing my PE group was playing in the snow so all i had to do was join them on the feild but it was a snowball fight and i was in my uniform and they were in there PE kit so i was freezing in my next lesson then half way through the lesson knock on our IT room door and said " i have update's on the snow if your intrested" then everyone said yes
so she told us that we have an exstened break then we had to get our mark on period 3so we did then when i got to the bus stop people keept leaving and saying there was no more buses but i waited for about 20 mins then caught my bus and both my brothers were on that bus
snow, snow, snowball fight 5 in total 1 at school 2 on my street and 2 at my mates, mates house fun freezing walk home again its so fun actually ive got a pic of our snow

okay i couldnt get my pic but heres on that looks simular anyway when i got home again it was dinner time so i had a warm dinner but i was still cold. now im waiting to find if we avew to go back to school tomorrow i hope we don't
cya guys
Monday, 4 January 2010
hi its my first blog for 2010
i have to go back to school tomorrow which is evil but at least i get to see my friends again. my little brother has a party today so that means i have to pick him up from school while carrying his transformers bag, thats a weird image a teenage girl carry a transformers bag without a little brother or cousen or something its will be like a teenage boy carrying a barbie bag that would look weird.
so new years eve was kind of boring i think it was the boringist new year ever but i was talkin to someone on messager until 2 seconds till midnight i know that because it was on the count down on BBC 1 with the whole big ben thing.
i was just going to change a paragraph of coursework so i get it off our school vle and guess what it only saved from paragraph 1 to paragraph 5 out of 9 paragraph i swear its got something against me it made it harder this time because i lost my draft so i had to guess ahhhhhhh so its probibly going to be only wearth an F no not even a F a U that will teach me not to lose my coursework draft, bad little girl.
i have to go back to school tomorrow which is evil but at least i get to see my friends again. my little brother has a party today so that means i have to pick him up from school while carrying his transformers bag, thats a weird image a teenage girl carry a transformers bag without a little brother or cousen or something its will be like a teenage boy carrying a barbie bag that would look weird.
so new years eve was kind of boring i think it was the boringist new year ever but i was talkin to someone on messager until 2 seconds till midnight i know that because it was on the count down on BBC 1 with the whole big ben thing.
i was just going to change a paragraph of coursework so i get it off our school vle and guess what it only saved from paragraph 1 to paragraph 5 out of 9 paragraph i swear its got something against me it made it harder this time because i lost my draft so i had to guess ahhhhhhh so its probibly going to be only wearth an F no not even a F a U that will teach me not to lose my coursework draft, bad little girl.
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