Tuesday 26 January 2010

first basketball practise today

hi yes the title say it all well all the first bit anyway

i had my first basketball practise today wahoo i like basketball there was only 6 of use tho which was anoying but still fun. you know the teacher i told u about a few blog entries ago she was there and wen she saw me she said u joinin basketball again and i said yes she cheered the only reason i went was because me friend didn't want to go on her own, but it turned out alright. but again i hurt my finger everytime i play basketball i hurt that same finger.

ordinary PE today we were doing leadership and im not a good leader but all we did was a deformed warm up thing first it was a game or rats and rabbits that got confusing because once you got tug you had to swap from a rabbit to a rat or vice verca. then we played this game which i dont no what it was called but we had to run to a line and back then the person behind had to grab ur hand wen you put it between there legs i was lucky i was at the back so i didnt have to look as dodgy as everyone else but it was funny especially wen you see others play the game lol.

im offially anoyed with media and this project we have been doing it for so long and theres nothin new, right complaint over.

confused stickman is my new obsession now so if i randomly write confused stick man somewhere its totally normal for me. do you wanna know how i came up with that, if not im gonna tell me anyway, my drawin skills r very bad but i was bored in physics so i drew a stickman then since i was confused about something he was saying something to do with gamma rays so i made the stickman look confused.

anyway again a borin blog
cya next time well talk to ur next time

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad somebody is good at basketball.

    I can't play it for the life of me.

    No joke.

    You'd laugh if you saw me play. . . :/
